The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
#15 November 2017 Simplify Health News
Recharge Over a Healthy Meal at Dinner Time!
Simplify Holistic Nutrition Consulting & Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coaching
November 2017 Newsletter
From my heart I hope that you all had a beautiful Thanksgiving Celebration, with your family and friends, and wonderful food to celebrate, to nurture, and time to enjoy and relax. For me, Thanksgiving is a perfect meal with so many healthy choices and options. At our house, we probably come close to Thanksgiving Dinner many nights of the week, because I love to prepare a feast with lean protein, many vegetables, and eat with my husband and our children (if they can join) in peace at a beautifully set table.
Sweet Potato
There are many different Sweet Potatoes options in the supermarkets and fruit centers, and there is great new research on Sweet Potatoes. Please read and continue to nurture yourselves with healthy choices moving forward into the Christmas Season. Take time to relax and lean back a bit during this busy time of the year. A good meal with your loved ones should be exactly that time of the day where we can recharge our energy and share what is most important to us.
If you need advice on how to incorporate your FIT Test results into a busy schedule, please come and see me for 30 minutes in my office at NAC. I am now offering my clients who have taken the FIT Test and seen me for a 1-hour consultation appointment, a 30-minute check-in for only $50.
It is a valuable time for my clients to stay on track and get some creative ideas how to continue to improve on the Path of Healthier Eating. Matching healthy food choices with health conditions and fitting it all into a practical routine can be overwhelming. So please take advantage of this offer and call 781-883-5951 for an appointment.
Don't wait until the NEW YEAR! Let me help you make changes this month and please read this beautiful testimonial (below) from Maria, who changed her health and life in a few weeks by changing her diet!
Can Sweet Potatoes Fight Against Diabetes?
What's New and Beneficial About Sweet Potatoes?
  • Orange-fleshed sweet potatoes may be one of nature's unsurpassed sources of beta-carotene. Several recent studies have shown the superior ability of sweet potatoes to raise our blood levels of vitamin A. This benefit may be particularly true for children. In several studies from Africa, sweet potatoes were found to contain between 100-1,600 micrograms (RAE) of vitamin A in every 3.5 ounces; enough, on average, to meet 35% of all vitamin A needs, and in many cases enough to meet over 90% of vitamin A needs (from this single food alone).
  • Sweet potatoes are not always orange-fleshed on the inside but can also be a spectacular purple color. Sometimes it's impossible to tell from the skin of sweet potato just how rich in purple tones its inside will be. That's because scientists have now identified the exact genes in sweet potatoes (IbMYB1 and IbMYB2) that get activated to produce the purple anthocyanin pigments responsible for the rich purple tones of the flesh. The purple-fleshed sweet potato anthocyanins, primarily peonidins and cyanidins, have important antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory properties. Particularly when passing through our digestive tract, they may be able to lower the potential health risk posed by heavy metals and oxygen radicals.
  • It can be helpful to include some fat in your sweet potato-containing meals if you want to enjoy the full beta-carotene benefits of this root vegetable. Recent research has shown that a minimum of 3-5 grams of fat per meal significantly increases our uptake of beta-carotene from sweet potatoes. Of course, this minimal amount of fat can be very easy to include. Use one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil.
  • Some nutritional benefits from sweet potatoes simply may be easier to achieve if you use steaming or boiling as your cooking method. Recent studies show excellent preservation of sweet potato anthocyanins with steaming, and several studies comparing boiling to roasting have shown better blood sugar effects (including the achievement of a lower glycemic index, or GI value) with boiling. Anthocyanins have great health benefits as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients.
  • Most dry beans and tubers have their own unique storage proteins. Soybeans have glycinins, potatoes have patatins, and yams have dioscorins. While researchers have long been aware of sporamins-storage proteins in sweet potato, only recently has research shown some of their unique antioxidant properties. The potential health benefits of the sweet potato sporamins in helping prevent oxidative damage to our cells should not be surprising since sweet potatoes produce sporamins whenever subjected to physical damage to help promote healing.
Source: George Mateljan (
Researchers Reveal Sweet Potato as Weapon Against Diabetes.
As healthy food goes, it's hard to beat the sweet potato. Packed with important vitamins like A, C and B6, sweet potatoes are an excellent source of dietary fiber, potassium and iron. Now, recent research in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences has confirmed that sweet potatoes are a low-glycemic index (GI) food, which is good news for diabetics.
Sweet Potato
The glycemic index measures how quickly certain foods release carbohydrates into the body. High-GI foods cause blood sugar levels to spike, while low-GI foods release glucose slowly into the bloodstream.
Dr. Jon Allen, CALS professor of food science; Dr. Van Den Truong, USDA-ARS food scientist and assistant professor of food science at N.C. State; and Dr. Masood Butt, a visiting scientist and associate professor from the University of Agriculture in Pakistan, along with students and other scientists, conducted a study that confirms the recognized low GI of sweet potato.
The team also discovered that the Beauregard variety of sweet potatoes - which makes up about 85 percent of the production in North Carolina - has essentially the same protein patterns as a commercial dietary supplement known as Caiapo, marketed to control blood glucose in diabetics. Developed by Japanese scientists, Caiapo is derived from the peel of white-skinned sweet potatoes, which have been consumed in Japan for many years as a remedy for anemia, hypertension, and diabetes.
The researchers found that the protein content of the flesh of the Beauregard sweet potato was higher than that of the peel. This suggests that the entire vegetable could play a role in lowering blood glucose in diabetics: the peel, as processed into a nutritional supplement like Caiapo; and the flesh, as a simple addition to the everyday diet.
"With further research in this area, it may be possible to recommend that people with diabetes or insulin resistance, consume sweet potatoes or use extracts of North Carolina sweet potato to help control blood glucose," Allen says in the project report. "This therapy should cost less than conventional drugs, and it may have fewer side effects."
The study is funded by the North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission, the Higher Education Commission and the Government of Pakistan, where collaborators conducted similar research on sweet potato varieties grown in that country.
"We're hoping that diet, particularly the consumption of sweet potatoes, will become a more widely used tool in the treatment of diabetes," Allen says. "It has the potential to be more cost-effective than drugs."
Source: Suzanne Stanard (
I lost 25 lbs since Mid-October and I am healing my Liver and Gallbladder with Silke's help!
It is with great joy that I write this testimonial. With the guidance of Silke Heine, I have lost 25 lbs and continue to lose as well as having a happier and healthier liver.
It started in October when I was doubled over in pain and was taken by ambulance to the ER. There they shot me with morphine and did some testing including a CT Scan. The doctors were not sure exactly what it was, so they released me and set me up for an ultrasound of my liver and gallbladder. Before I even had the ultrasound, my mother reached out to Silke, who called me and set me on the correct path to cleanse my liver. She advised me that unless my gallbladder had to be removed, at all cost keep it. So, I took Silke's advice and started on her for the first days very strict diet. I made myself Miracle Mineral Broth that Silke recommended, drank lemon/lime water all day, and Dandelion Tea and added an herbal tincture Silke asked me to order.
Silke told me I should feel better in a few days. I could not believe it. I did!
What a difference a few days made, I felt and still feel energized and eat a whole lot different than I did before. Now it's all about following Silke's recommendations for a healing diet, with many organic foods. I eat healthier and drink way more plus I add lemon/lime to my water a few times a day. My doctor diagnosed me with a fatty liver. I showed her the recipe for the Miracle Mineral Broth and she made a copy. She was very impressed and is using it for her other patients. I can honestly say that if I had not listened to Silke I would be in much worse shape and getting heavier.
Now it's onward to small clothes and feeling better all the time!!!
Thank you Silke!!
Maria Hutchison — Rush, Kentucky
Silke is my sister-in-law and I love her very much!
Please keep me updated on how you feel! A short e-mail is much appreciated! Please bring your questions to your appointment, so I can help you to continue to improve your Healthy Diet.
In Health and Happiness, 
Silke Heine, PhD 
Silke Heine, Ph.D.
Certified Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Gluten-Free Diet Practitioner
Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
Certified International Sports Nutritionist
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Call (781) 883-5951 to book your appointment.
 In partnership with:
Norwell Athletic Club
KBMO Diagnostics
Simplify  Holistic Nutrition Consulting
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(781) 883-5951
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