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The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
#7 November 2015 Simplify Health News
Giving Thanks & Give a Gift of Health!
Simplify Holistic Nutrition Consulting & Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coaching
November 2015 Newsletter
Giving Thanks!
Since I met my husband Bernie 25 years ago, Thanksgiving has become one of my favorite holidays! It does not exist in Germany, so to me it was new.
Cooking and preparing food for my loved ones that is nutrient dense, has healing-properties, and tastes delicious is one of my most fulfilling parts of everyday, and even more so on Thanksgiving Day.
We have a family tradition at our house. Before eating Thanksgiving Dinner, everybody sitting around the table has to share what they are thankful for.
To stop and take time to be grateful for our family, friends, health, happiness, and the abundance in our lives, I believe, is essential and creates lots of positive energy.
Give a Gift of Health
Give a Gift of Health
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A Beautiful Testimonial From One of My Clients
"I am forever grateful for Silke's involvement in my health!"
Sue Sheehan and Silke Heine
I first met Silke at neighborhood play-groups, several years ago, when our children were young. We have been friends for many years.
In 2007, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I knew I was going to do medical treatment, as this form was aggressive. At the same time, I knew I needed to take control of this disease and do all I could to cure myself. This is where my good friend comes in. Silke calmly guided me into the world of health and healing and I have not looked back since.
As long as I have known Silke, she has been studying...first her Bachelors, her Masters, and then her Ph.D. She has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a dedication to finding ways to ease and heal ailments with healthful eating and natural remedies. Silke taught me about inflammation, which can contribute to cancer, balancing ph in my body, the power of various supplements to raise immunity, the benefits of nutritious nourishment, the benefits of mindful activities, and so many life benefits too numerous to list. She connected me to other health practitioners hugely beneficial to my healing.
Because of her guidance and my practice, I remained healthy and strong during my grueling treatment and remain healthy and strong today. Silke's approach is methodical and supported by her in depth research and knowledge.
I am forever grateful for her involvement in my health.
— Sue Sheehan
SIMPLIFY Your Diet by Silke Heine
Health Benefits of Achieving an Acid-Alkaline Balance Naturally
Simplify Yor Diet
Learn how to eat and get fit like a champ!
Read below to know why Tom Brady is eating an acid-alkaline balanced diet, like I describe in my book "Simplify Your Diet."
Tom Brady
A 2014 Sports Illustrated article detailed Tom Brady's eating routine. He takes a comprehensive holistic approach to nutrition in order to maximize his performance and health. He eats red meat in the winter and raw foods in the summer, and he consumes an 80-percent alkaline, 20-percent acidic diet. According to Brady, this is designed "to maintain balance and harmony through my metabolic system.
New England Patriots' Quarterback Tom Brady has a plan: He is slowing the aging process that he says is accelerated by sports. His plan is clearly mapped out, each and every day of his life is meticulously planned - for the next three years! - to program his body to do what he wants it to do. Among the most important parts of Brady's plan is The Alkaline Diet. Tom eats a diet that is 80% alkaline, and 20% acidic which he says balances his metabolic system. Brady is not alone in believing that an alkaline diet can slow the aging process. Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine states that an alkaline diet substantially reduces the oxidative damage to DNA and tissues that accelerates aging.
Why the Alkaline Diet Works?
Switching to an alkaline diet substantially reduces the acid load on your body. This means that your lungs and kidneys don't have to work so hard to expel acidity, and it helps prevent bone loss. For an athlete like Tom Brady, reducing the acid-load from his diet means that his body's resources are freed up to deal with the acidity that is generated when he works out.
Benefits of an Alkaline Diet
There are probably many more benefits to eating alkaline, and research into those benefits is ongoing. One fact that is well established is that eating an alkaline diet will improve your overall health if you struggle with acidic body issues.
Take Charge of Your Health!
Please download "Simplify Your Diet" on my website or buy a hard copy in my office, and learn more about the concept of balancing acidity and alkalinity with your food intake. Take charge of your health! There are probably many more benefits from eating alkaline, and research about those benefits is ongoing. One fact that is well-established is that eating an alkaline diet will improve your overall health if you struggle with acidic body issues.
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6-Week Plan for Healthy Eating
Kick Off Meeting - Tues, Dec. 1, 12:30-1:30 PM
Due to popular demand, I will offer another round of the "6-Week Plan for Healthy Eating" at the Norwell Athletic Club.
6-Week Plan for Healthy Eating
View our latest seminar flyer online
The Latest News About Cranberries
Learn about the newest research on the amazing health benefits of cranberries. Add plenty of those to your Thanksgiving dinner. I love to add some diced cranberries to my water.
When speaking in general terms about the health benefits of cranberries, it is important to know that the most commonly consumed form of this food is juice processed from the berries and typically produced by adding generous amounts of sugar. This form of cranberry cannot provide you with cranberry's full phytonutrient benefits.
What's New and Beneficial About Cranberries?
For many years, researchers believed that the ability of cranberries and cranberry juice to help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) was partly related to the strong acidity of the cranberries. Recent research has shown that it's not the acidity of the cranberries, but the unusual nature of their proanthocyanidins (PACs) that is related to prevention of UTIs. The special structure of these PACs acts as a barrier to bacteria that might otherwise latch on to the urinary tract lining. In many studies, the UTI-preventing benefits of cranberries are somewhat modest and limited to women who have recurrent UTIs. But this whole area of investigation has opened the door to an understanding of other possible cranberry benefits. For example, stomach ulcers are often related to overgrowth and over-linking of one particular type of stomach bacteria (Helicobacter pylori) to the stomach lining. In much the same way as cranberries may help prevent bacterial attachment to the lining of the urinary tract, they may also help prevent attachment of bacteria to the stomach lining. There is already some preliminary evidence that cranberries may help protect us from stomach ulcers in this way. We expect to see future studies confirming this fascinating type of health benefit.
  • A substantial number of recent studies have shown that whole cranberries consumed in dietary form-in comparison with purified cranberry extracts consumed in either liquid or dried supplement form-do a better job of protecting our cardiovascular system and our liver. Several groups of researchers have summarized their health benefit findings by pointing out that it is the synergy among cranberry nutrients (rather than individual cranberry components) that is responsible for cranberry's health benefits. This synergy is only found in the whole berry as consumed in food form. This rule about whole dietary intake appears to apply to the antioxidant benefits, anti-inflammatory benefits, and anti-cancer benefits of cranberry.
  • Many cranberries are water-harvested. Water-harvesting means that the cranberries are grown in bogs and floated in water to allow for easy harvesting. For many years, water-harvesting of cranberries has been looked upon as an industry convenience. It's simply easier to harvest berries that are floating on the surface. However, recent research has shown that the anthocyanin content of cranberries (the phytonutrients that give the berries their amazing red color) is increased in direct proportion to the amount of natural sunlight striking the berry. If berries floating on top of water get exposed to increased amounts of natural sunlight (in comparison to other growing and harvesting conditions), they are likely to develop greater concentrations of anthocyanins. These greater concentrations of anthocyanins are likely to provide us with stronger health benefits. In other words, water-harvesting may turn out to provide more than just harvest convenience. If it can expose cranberries to greater amounts of natural sunlight, it can increase phytonutrient health benefits that involve the unique antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of anthocyanins.
Health Benefits
Cranberries provide numerous health benefits including:
  • Protection against urinary tract infections
  • Features anti-inflammatory properties
  • Provides immune support
  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Offers antioxidant protection
  • Promotes digestive health
Nutritional Profile
Many of these phytonutrients in Cranberries offer antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer health benefits. Cranberries are a very good source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and manganese, as well as a good source of vitamin E, vitamin K, copper, and pantothenic acid.
I am so grateful to all who support and surround me, and who challenge me to be the best I can be!
I hope you and your family enjoy the laughter, the caring, the sharing, and the happiness that comes from being together!
Happy Thanksgiving!
In Health and Happiness,
Silke Heine, PhD 
Silke Heine, Ph.D.
Certified Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Gluten-Free Diet Practitioner
Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
Certified International Sports Nutritionist
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Call (781) 883-5951 to book your appointment.
 In partnership with:
Norwell Athletic Club
KBMO Diagnostics
Simplify  Holistic Nutrition Consulting
Washington Street,
Norwell, MA 02061
(781) 883-5951
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