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The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
#13 March 2017 Simplify Health News
How Food Influences Our Health and Well-Being
Simplify Holistic Nutrition Consulting & Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coaching
March 2017 Newsletter
With all my heart, I want to say Thank You for your trust and for allowing me to guide you to better WELL-BEING by changing your DIET and analyzing your FOOD CHOICES, matching your HEALTH and personal GOALS.
Clients who have experienced the FIT Test, are amazed that by eliminating foods that might interfere with their health, they feel so much better.
Click here to read Sylvie's beautiful testimonial.
There is a lot of information available about food and inflammation. During the many years that I have searched for answers on the overwhelming topic of health, I came across how Inflammation is influenced by food. I experience this every day with my client's success stories, how an Anti-Inflammatory Diet can be a wonderful foundation for feeling more youthful. Reducing inflammation in the body also helps with better sleep and easier weight control. Skin conditions improve, chronic pains and gastro-intestinal concerns diminish.
Click here to read the great article about fighting inflammation from the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.
I have learned many years ago, how food influences my health and well-being, so please let me do the same for YOU!
After long consideration and after experiencing the Wellness Triangle of Nutraceuticals from Kyani, I have decided to recommend these 3 products to my clients, who are looking for more nutrients and additional super foods in their diet.
Click here to read my experience on trying Kyani.
To learn more about all 3 Kyani products, do your own research at:
Please talk to your doctor if these products are right for you.
Feel free to stop by my office for free samples.
Nutrition & Hypnotherapy Workshop
 Nutrition & Hypnotherapy Workshop
The FIT Tests (Comparison)
The FIT Tests Comparison
Wellness Simplified - with Kyäni
Some of my clients and members of NAC have asked me about my opinion about "Kyani," which we started offering at the Norwell Athletic Club.
Wellness with Kyani
I tried "Sunrise", one of the 3 products that is part of the Triangle of Health, and it felt very soothing in my often-irritated throat.
I continue taking Sunrise every day, and encouraged my husband to try Kyani products. We both really like it, like how we feel, and will continue to use it.
The most important health factor in food are antioxidants, and Sunrise is loaded with antioxidants from wild Alaskan Blueberries and numerous fruits and vegetables used in different cultures around the world.
I think it is a great addition to my every day healthy eating, simply to load up on Antioxidants!
Please check out the Kyani website and learn more about all 3 products, or talk to one of the NAC- staff members for further information and their own testimonials.
As with all advice on changing your healthy eating routine, please talk to your doctor about drug and health interactions before taking Kyani products. Also keep in mind that we are all different and react differently to different products. Please ask for samples and try it yourself!
Inspiring FIT TESTimonial
"What was most surprising to me was the fact that although certain foods are considered healthy, it is possible that they could cause inflammation in some people, which is definitely not healthy. The FIT Test takes the guess work out of the equation and makes eating healthy for us, as individuals, easier."
I first met Silke at a health fair held at the Norwell Athletic Center. What good fortune! Silke is incredibly knowledgeable, supportive, and able to provide information regarding all aspects of healthy nutrition tailored to each individual.
I have always been health conscious and try to eat well and cook healthy. When my daughter developed eczema as a toddler, I rejected the traditional steroid cream prescribed due to the side effects and more importantly the fact that it did not work for her. Having tried many alternative healing methods without being able to sustain permanent results, it became evident that diet would be the key to heal the body.
Recent research suggested trying an Autoimmune Protocol Diet. She had amazing results. The hard part was going to be the reintroduction of foods. The thought of having to eat certain foods and wait to see if she got an outbreak seemed cruel and the last thing she wanted to do. Since one cannot sustain such a strict diet that eliminated so many healthy foods, the FIT Test seemed like the perfect solution.
The results not only made it easier for her to reintroduce foods, it also showed that some of the foods accepted on the AIP diet were clearly not good for her. She adjusted her diet according to the new list of foods allowed specifically for her for the recommended 8 weeks. She is now 90% free of eczema and has been for the past month.
Since then, I have taken the test myself and was very surprised at the results. I have adjust my eating habits and can feel the difference. Significantly more energy, no more bloating, better digestion, better sleep, and an all around feeling younger than my age!
I have recommended the FIT Test to friends and family who have taken it and are now also working on getting healthier and feeling better.
What was most surprising to me was the fact that although certain foods are considered healthy, it is possible that they could cause inflammation in some people, which is definitely not healthy. The FIT Test takes the guess work out of the equation and makes eating healthy for us as individuals easier.
Thank you Silke!
Harvard Health on Inflammatory Diet:
"Fighting Inflammation at the Meal Table"
A healthy diet goes a long way in keeping inflammation - a process that underlies most serious diseases - at bay.
Inflammatory Diet
We all benefit from inflammation, the process by which our immune system detects and disables foreign molecules or microbes. Although we may not enjoy the runny nose and scratchy throat of a winter cold - the signs of our immune system at work - inflammation eventually rids us of the virus responsible. However, when inflammation persists at low levels after the invader is eradicated, it can become our enemy. Many major diseases that plague us-including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and Alzheimer's-have been linked to chronic inflammation.
Our diets play an important role in chronic inflammation because our digestive bacteria release chemicals that may spur or suppress inflammation. The types of bacteria that populate our gut and their chemical byproducts vary according to the foods we eat. Some foods encourage the grow of populations of bacteria that stimulate inflammation, while others promote the growth of bacteria that suppress it.
That's why one of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation comes not from the pharmacy, but from the produce counter. "Many experimental studies have shown that components of foods or beverages may have anti-inflammatory effects," says Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Choose the right foods, and you may be able to reduce your risk of illness. Consistently pick the wrong ones, and you may promote chronic inflammation, which sets the stage for a host of degenerative diseases.
Inflammation-promoting foods
Not surprisingly, the foods that contribute to inflammation are the same ones generally considered bad for our health, including sodas and refined carbohydrates, as well as red meat and processed meats.
"Some of the foods that have been associated with an increased risk for chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease are also associated with excess inflammation," Dr. Hu says. "It's not surprising, since inflammation is an important underlying mechanism for the development of these diseases."
Such unhealthy foods are also likely to contribute to weight gain, which is itself a risk factor for inflammation. Yet in several studies, even after researchers took obesity into account, the link between foods and inflammation remained, which suggests weight gain isn't the sole driver. Mounting evidence suggests that certain components or ingredients in processed foods, like the emulsifiers added to ice cream, may have independent effects on inflammation.
Inflammation-fighting foods
Fortunately, you are probably already enjoying many of the foods and beverages that have been found to reduce the risk of inflammation, and with it, chronic disease. They include the following:
  • Fruits and vegetables. Most fruits brightly colored vegetables contain high levels of natural antioxidants and polyphenols-protective compounds found in plants.
  • Nuts and seeds. Studies have also associated nuts and seeds with reduced markers of inflammation and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Anti-inflammatory eating
The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans emphasize focusing on an overall healthy diet rather than singling out individual "good" and "bad" foods, so you won't need bookkeeping software to balance your intake of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory foods. In general, a healthy diet means one high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish, and healthy oils. If your plate is dominated by unprocessed plant-based foods and bursting with color, you're on the right track.
In addition to lowering inflammation, a more natural, less processed diet can have noticeable effects on your physical and emotional health. "A healthy diet is beneficial not only for reducing the risk of chronic diseases, but also for improving your mood and your overall quality of life," Dr. Hu says.
Source: Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health
Book your 30-minute first informational meeting for no charge!
Please contact me for any questions if you would like to spend 30 minutes for no charge to find out how I can help you best!
Thank You to all my clients for their trust in me, their appreciation, and their referrals.
I wish you all quality time to spend with your family and friends, with lots of fun, lots of laughter, and to enjoy an abundance of healthy natural, and delicious foods!
In Health and Happiness, 
Silke Heine, PhD 
Silke Heine, Ph.D.
Certified Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Gluten-Free Diet Practitioner
Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
Certified International Sports Nutritionist
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Call (781) 883-5951 to book your appointment.
 In partnership with:
Norwell Athletic Club
KBMO Diagnostics
Simplify  Holistic Nutrition Consulting
Washington Street,
Norwell, MA 02061
(781) 883-5951
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