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The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
#9 March 2016 Simplify Health News
Chronic Inflammation Decreases Healthy Lifespan!
Simplify Holistic Nutrition Consulting & Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coaching
March 2016 Newsletter
I hope this newsletter finds you in good health while you are all taking your well-being in your own hands by treating yourself with the healthiest lifestyle you are aware of:
Healthy eating
Regular exercise
Enough sleep
Balance in your life
Social interaction
ALL play a role in our OVERALL HEALTH!
After returning from an Integrative Healthcare Conference in New York, loaded with the newest research and trends of Functional Medicine/Nutrition, I am eager to share that an Anti-Inflammatory Diet is considered the first line of defense and treatment plan for many functional medical professionals. I feel very encouraged and inspired to continuously move towards the right direction, helping my clients with their health and personal goals with FOOD as MEDICINE!
It was so much fun to listen and learn from leaders in the functional medical world, like Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. David Perlmutter, Dr. Leo Galland, Dr. Rudolph Tanzi, Dr. Hal Blatman, Dr. Susan Blum, and Dr. Daniel Kraft. What an honor to witness their live presentations and be able to raise questions during the multi-day event.
Please check out their newest publications.
Eat Fat Get Thin
Brain Maker
The Fat Resistance Diet
Super Genes
Winners' Guide to Pain Relief
The Immune System Recovery Plan
Clonal precursor of bone, cartilage, and hematopoietic niche stromal cells
The FIT Test (Food Inflammation Test)
The Food Inflammation Test (FIT Test) offers a wonderful tool for all my clients to see fast results reaching their goals. Many have done the test and the results vary from better energy, to a healed gastro-intestinal tract, weight loss that seemed impossible before, reduction of inflammation in general, and a feeling of balanced health and well-being.
I am very excited to announce that from now on all FIT Test results will have a 7-Day Personalized Meal Plan and General Nutrition Recommendations added to the test results.
Simplify team
KBMO Diagnostics asked me to create meal plans for all clients who would like to add this additional piece of information. I have put an amazing team of 10 Health Coaches and Personal Trainers together, who help me create the meal plans.
My close friend Sue Sheehan is managing the flow and communication, and I could not be more grateful for her support!
I am so enthusiastic about this opportunity, and would like to say a huge Thank You to everybody helping me in the process, in many ways including providing us meeting rooms to train our team.
Please be informed that I am offering to all new clients a complimentary 30-minute meeting. This is a great way to ask questions, talk about your health situation, medical goals, and see how I can help. Please take advantage of this offer!
To schedule a time with me:
e-mail me at
or call at 781 883 5951.
Also, come and visit to talk to me about the FIT Test (Food Inflammation Test). Many of my clients have had this test done and see great success from their results.
FIT TESTimonial
A beautiful testimonial from one of my invigorated FIT Test clients.
With the help of the FIT Test (Food Inflammation Test), I experience great recovery stories, stories of reduced inflammation, improved stamina, weight loss, better sleep, and much more. All of them touch me deeply!
I am very grateful to my clients for sharing their life-changing successes, for letting me help them find the right choices suitable with their goals and medical history and assist them to get back on track, to feel healthier and happier!
Please read this beautiful testimonial and experience for yourself, how our well-being can be influenced by the food choices we make every day.
They can be unconscious choices, wherein we are unaware of how food can make us sick. They can also be educated choices, but are simply not right for us.
"We immediately removed the foods that cause the inflammatory responses and within a week's time, I was in tears and thanking God and Silke, I was getting my daughter back!!!"
I believe God has a way of putting people where they need to be, and I believe he had a hand with my coming back to work for Kim Trapilo at NAC because that is how I met Silke.
For more than a year my teenage daughter has been suffering from chronic headaches along with terrible fatigue and moodiness. I know that sounds like a typical teenager but that was not at all typical for my daughter who loved to laugh, dance and be with her friends. The headaches were the most troubling and what we were most concerned about. In trying to diagnose the cause of the headaches she had to endure multiple disciplines. I systematically tried everything I could think of to get them to stop. She had multiple blood tests, a brain MRI, gone to see a physical therapist, a chiropractor and a neurologist all to no avail. I believe the neurologist and the chiropractor truly wanted to help but were stumped. The neurologist put her on a preventive migraine medicine which dulled the headaches but never took them away.
Soon after coming to work at NAC, I talked to Silke about my daughter and I decided to have her take the FIT (Food Inflammation Test) blood test. The FIT Test tested her sensitivity to 132 foods! The results of the test showed that she had a very strong inflammatory response to wheat and gluten, in addition to several other foods that were in her daily diet; dairy, chicken and hazelnuts to name just a few. We immediately removed the foods that cause the inflammatory responses and within a week's time, I was in tears and thanking God and Silke, I was getting my daughter back!!!
It was astounding to me, my daughter's symptoms improved dramatically. She has only been eating a "clean" diet for just over a month but she is fully committed to this new way of eating because she is feeling so much better!! I cannot thank Silke enough for her expertise and guidance!! I understand the difference now between being allergic and sensitive to foods. I am so relieved I did not go to an allergist first because I would have confused the two and probably not pursued her diet any further.
I believe so much in what Silke does. I have already referred two friends and a cousin and I'm not stopping there! I will continue to spread the word about Silke and I plan on taking the test myself so I can improve my own diet and health.
FIT TESTimonial
from one of my satisfied FIT Test clients
Simplify Your Diet Book
SIMPLIFY Your Diet is a piece of the puzzle, that helps my clients get convinced and reminded, that we need huge amounts of nutrient dense vegetables, plus some fruits daily in order to keep our bodies in a more balanced, healthy state.
My clients have amazing results, from weight loss, to clearer minds, a strengthened immunity, to an overall healthier feeling of well-being. Food cravings will fall away, when our bodies are satisfied with nutrients.
Yours in Health,
Silke Heine, PhD 
Silke Heine, Ph.D.
Certified Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Gluten-Free Diet Practitioner
Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
Certified International Sports Nutritionist
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Call (781) 883-5951 to book your appointment.
 In partnership with:
Norwell Athletic Club
KBMO Diagnostics
Simplify  Holistic Nutrition Consulting
Washington Street,
Norwell, MA 02061
(781) 883-5951
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