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The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
#27 June 2020 Simplify Health News
About 70 % of Our Immune System Is Located in the Gut Lining!
Simplify Holistic Nutrition Consulting & Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coaching
June 2020 Newsletter
Hopefully you and your loved ones are doing well in these "New Normal" times of COVID-19.
The last years in my life have been so busy trying to fit it all in, working, studying, being there for my family and friends in the U.S. and in Germany, that taking care of my own health has sometimes fallen a bit short. I am using this time for the best self-care I can think of. I am studying very intensely Functional Nutrition, spending time with my husband and our adult children living with us right now, and I spend time on the phone with my mom, and my sister and brother-in-law. We prepare and enjoy the most delicious nutritious meals I can think of to boost our immunity, and I am definitively sleeping more.
I am amazed and grateful for the variety of healthy choices in our local supermarkets, thanks to all the supporters throughout this country!!
To be honest, a time to reflect a bit more, and not always be on the move feels good as well as the daily workouts at home.
Several clients took me up on my offer to spend 1 hour with them after receiving the FIT Test results back, instead of 30 minutes.
How to Improve Your Digestion/Please check out upcoming WORKSHOPS!
For me it is a wonderful time to rethink my own eating habits, try new things, see how my body reacts to it. I am currently on a 5-day vegan fast with food intake in between only 10 hours. I feel great! No coffee, no alcohol, just vegan organic nutrient dense food choices.
Please call me for an appointment if you like my support to get back on track. Even if we might not be able to go to our favorite beaches yet, we still want to feel healthy and strong, and get into our summer clothes feeling comfortable and confident, right? I am here to help!!!
Between the anxiety for the future, finances, and our loved one's health, many of us have chosen comfort food. It is time to support our gut-health, get back to balance and heal so that we can move forward in a healthy manner. Feeling bloated, constipated, or having occasional diarrhea are all signs that the gut needs a bit of pampering.
Did you know that:
  • More than 70 % of our immune system is located in the lining of the gut?
  • About 70 Million people suffer from some kind of digestive disease?
  • 70% of all Americans are or will suffer from some kind of digestive dysfunction in their lifetime?
Digestion is actually the biggest stress we put on our system each and every day! And sometimes, when the digestive system is already taxed and/or the body is suffering too much stress and is depleted, we need to pay heed.
Here are a few ideas to improve your digestion:
  Drink more water!
There really is no excuse to not drink enough water while we are home, right? Water is one of the main nutrients that the gut needs to move things along, to keep the mucosal lining of the stomach healthy, which supports the small intestines bacteria for the best absorption and digestion of nutrients. The lack of water in our digestive tract leads to indigestion, heartburn, fatigue and of course constipation.
  Chew your food properly!
Now that many of us are home, take your time to eat a meal in peace. Chewing properly helps digesting our food properly and makes the process easier on our digestive tract. Say a prayer, a blessing, take a few deep breaths before enjoying a well prepared delicious meal.
  Don't overeat!
Eating too much food at once is taxing for our digestive system. Practice eating mindful, reflect, and practice moderation.
  Eat real foods!
Use the time at home for food preparations and to form new habits. Cooking whole foods from the scratch is simple, saves you money, and it makes digestion easier. Artificial ingredients, fillers, and chemicals of processed foods are overwhelming on the digestive tract.
  Eat more fiber!
Fiber keeps the colon healthy. It speeds up the transit time through the colon, dilutes the effects on any toxic compounds, and helps to remove bad bacteria from the colon. All beans and legumes, raspberries, Collard Greens, cinnamon, Winter Squash, pears, broccoli, spinach, Brussel Sprouts, cabbage, and flaxseeds are high in fiber!
We need proper muscle tone all around the abdomen for food to digest properly. Increasing exercise can improve digestion, even if you don't change the way you eat. Add exercise routines to your newly created habits.
  Add probiotics.
We need good bacteria to strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. My favorite probiotics are from The BEST about this supplement company is that all products are labeled/tested in amazing detail and precision. That is what we all need!
  1. Flora Maintenance (25 Billion CFU)
  2. Flora-Biotic Ultra (47.5 Billion CFU)
Many of my clients have experienced a healthier gut by using the FIT Test and removing the foods they are sensitive to. Please reach out for more information.
Get your FIT Test here
Recommended Supplement for a Healthier Gut
If you feel that your gastro-intestinal health needs some extra healing and pampering, please check out Gastro One from
GastroOne™ Gut Health Formula
This Gut Health Formula offers Nutritional support for restoring GI tract and mucosal lining wellness, soothing digestive discomfort and strengthening immune health.
  • Protects the intestinal mucosal lining.
  • Supports proper nutrient utilization and absorption.
  • Offers relief from heartburn, indigestion, gas and bloating.
  • Aids the body in resisting pathogenic bacteria.
  • Recently reformulated to be shellfish free.
Please always talk to your Primary Care Physician before taking a supplement, research side effects, talk to your pharmacist about possible cross reactions to prescription medications you are on, and compare to other products on the market.
I love products and they have become my main supplement source.
As my client you can create a patient account by using my cell phone number:
781 883 5951
Our Availability:
Once the Norwell Athletic Club re-opens, I am happy to meet in my office with masks for Holistic Nutrition Consulting and Health Coaching, if you are feeling healthy!
As many of you might want to continue Social Distancing, of course,
I am available via phone or Zoom!
Our Latest Offer: Eliminate a Certain Food WORKSHOP!!!
To make the transition for you easier to get back to eating a healthier diet,
please see my latest offer:
I will teach 1 week workshops, consisting of group coaching via Zoom to eliminate a certain food or food group for clients who either like to change things for the better, know they are sensitive to these items, or just try to eliminate some foods. Some of you might have taken the FIT Test and got lost in the process of removing a food for good. Young adults starting age 16 are welcome with a waiver signed by a parent.
3-Hour Food Elimination Workshop
"Simplify Removing Gluten"
Price: $ 49
First week of "Simplify Removing Gluten" will take place on Zoom, June 8/10/12 each at noon. The workshop consists of 3 one-hour meetings.
Please plan to join all!
The cost is only $ 49 for the week-long workshop.
Dates: 6/8/2020, 6/10/2020, and 6/12/2020 at NOON
3-Hour Food Elimination Workshop
"Simplify Removing Cow's Milk Dairy Items"
Price: $ 49
First week of "Simplify Removing Cow's Milk Dairy Items" will take place June 15/17/19 each at noon. The workshop consists of 3 one-hour meetings.
Please plan to join all!
The cost is only $ 49 for the week-long workshop.
Dates: 6/15/2020, 6/17/2020, and 6/19/2020 at NOON
Sign-up is possible on my website. Once I receive your payment, I will send you a Zoom invitation that is the same for all 3 meetings. (Please send me a signed waiver IF you are a new client!)
This is an offer for the time being and I might continue different topics or repeat topics depending on the interest. Let us eliminate foods together!
  • Day 1 consists out of explanation about the food to be eliminated.
  • Day 2 and 3 we will discuss as a group to find replacements, motivation, discuss difficulties and talk about support in your lives.
Any topic that evolves out of this coaching support group is welcome. Let us create an environment without judgement, with open hearts and minds and connect with each other to get back on track or try something new supported by all.
I am looking forward to hearing back from you with questions, ideas, and sign-ups.
We all need good nourishment at all times, but at times of chronic stress even more so.
Many of my clients tell me the
"we are what we eat."
I disagree,
"we are what we absorb", and there is always room for improvement.
Please think about implementing some new healthier routines during this "New Normal" and call me to set up a time to consult with me about ways to improve your healthy eating habits.
It is the perfect time for health improvements!
My thoughts are with all of you. I am looking forward to hearing back from you soon.
Sending strength and positive energy!
Silke Heine, PhD 
Silke Heine, Ph.D.
Certified Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Gluten-Free Diet Practitioner
Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
Certified International Sports Nutritionist
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Call (781) 883-5951 to book your appointment.
 In partnership with:
Norwell Athletic Club
KBMO Diagnostics
Simplify  Holistic Nutrition Consulting
Washington Street,
Norwell, MA 02061
(781) 883-5951
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