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The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
#51 July 2022 Simplify Health News
Enjoy the Summer with Healthy Delicious Produce
Simplify Holistic Nutrition Consulting & Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coaching
July 2022 Newsletter
Happy famiy having healthy meals outdoor
Hopefully, this newsletter finds you healthy and happy.
Summer is here, and I wish you all lots of summer fun, great weather with plenty of Vitamin D boosting sunshine, outdoor activities with picnics, bar-b-ques, time with your family and friends, and time to relax.
After those last years of worry, we all deserve a wonderful summer with the best this beautiful time of the year has to offer, including time for fun healthy meals.
Summer is the best time for produce! Based on where you live in the U.S., your produce offerings can vary, but in July there are several fruits and veggies that are in-season and tasty nationwide. Let’s look at tomatoes and grapes, which taste their best in in the summer.
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These need long, hot days to really develop in flavor, Romano says. “Heirlooms have gotten so popular in the last few years”. To find the perfect tomato, look for one with bright, shiny, firm skin that has a little give when gently squeezed.
  • Given the outstanding combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients in tomatoes, the potential of tomato consumption to support our cardiovascular system and lower our cardiovascular risk has long been on the radar screen of health researchers. One team of researchers recently gathered 21 studies that looked at tomatoes and cardiovascular disease and analyzed them as a group to try and formulate some conclusions about the cardio-related benefits of this food. What they found was a repeated and significant ability of tomato intake to lower LDL cholesterol levels and improve the responsiveness of the blood vessel walls. The amount of tomato consumed by participants in the 21 studies ranged from 70–400 grams per day, or about 1/3–2 cups' worth of fresh sliced tomato. The period of intake in these studies ranged from just one day to six months. So, what we are looking at here is a fairly modest amount of tomato consumed over a relatively short period of time: a very "do-able" combination in most meal plans!
  • Researchers have long been aware of improvements in the absorption of food carotenoids when oils like extra virgin olive oil are included in a recipe or meal that features carotenoid-rich foods. Since tomatoes definitely count as a carotenoid-rich food, it was not surprising to find this topic being investigated in recent studies. And the researchers concluded that this combination of tomatoes with olive oil was likely to provide greater health benefits, especially in the area of cardiovascular health. ( George Mateljan)
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Grapes need many hours of sun and heat to develop their flavors, and they concentrate all their sugars in August, says Romano. “We will see all sorts of varieties from champagne to cotton-candy grapes.” A good way to select grapes is to pay attention to the color of the stem. If the stems are brittle it means they likely won’t last very long once you bring them home. Grapes with a flexible green stem are a good bet.
What's New and Beneficial About Grapes
Several grape phytonutrients are now believed to play a role in longevity. At the top of the list in this area of research is resveratrol (a stilbene phytonutrient present mostly in grape skins, but also in grape seeds and grape flesh). Resveratrol has recently been shown to increase expression of three genes all related to longevity. Interestingly, some researchers have shown a parallel between activation of these longevity genes by resveratrol and activation by calorie-restricted diets. In aging and longevity research, our ability to get optimal nutrition for the fewest possible amount of calories is related to our longevity, and the more we can decrease our calories while staying optimally nourished, the better our chances of healthy aging and longevity. ( George Mateljan)
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Though you can get a decent melon in the fall or even winter, summer is really their peak. “Whether it’s a melon with a white, deep orange, or a salmon flesh, there’s nothing better,” says Romano.
To pick a good melon, look for symmetry, a heavy weight, and no bruising.
Melons are available in many kinds, so enjoy those delicious summer foods. Be creative. I love leafy salads mixed with berries or grapes, and nuts and seeds added.
watermelon salad with goat cheese
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Or how about a watermelon salad with goat cheese?
Freshest ingredients at the Farmer’s Market
July is the time when we can get the freshest ingredients at the Farmer’s Market, cook with deliciously smelling fresh herbs from the backyard, and become more creative with food combinations and cooking experiments.
Most of us are not immediately comfortable getting into shorts, a tight summer dress, or a bathing suit after those long winter months in protecting layers of clothes. Now is a great time to think about getting comfortable with the way we feel about ourselves. Even if I do not consider myself a weight loss expert, and care more about health then looks, eating a healthy diet often implies both outcomes.
Wouldn’t it be so fun to not just eat a crash diet that is short-lived, and that yoyos you back fast over a short time to your previous weight, but eat in a way that benefits your health long-term for life, improves your energy level and makes you feel good about yourself? That really is my passion and my goal to help you all with!
We are all different, and there is your personal healthiest way of eating!
I want you to learn to eat your healthiest and switch to a personalized, long-term Anti-Inflammatory, Alkalizing diet. To take this approach to the next level, I offer all FIT Tests, to uncover your food sensitivities and the foods that cause inflammation in you. When we combine all those topics, the outcome is a bio-individual approach to your healthiest and best food choices.
Order your FIT Test NOW!
Once we have determined those foods, I am here to help you implement the necessary change and support you with my coaching skills, many creative ideas for meal planning, shopping, easy cooking, and all the support I can offer. I am here for you!
My husband and I also just took the FIT 176 Test again to make sure we are on the right track. I love the quality of the FIT Tests from KBMO Diagnostics, and it has been my honor for many years to work closely for KBMO to create meal-plans with a team of 7 amazing planners, who follow my guidance. We are currently creating all meal plans for the FIT 176 Test, which has been so fun because of the number of foods we can choose from to give you all creative examples for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Of course, I also create all FIT 132 Test meal plans for my personal clients!
My husband and I take the FIT Test about once a year, sometimes after 6-9 months, when we feel something might have changed. My husband experiences a skin rash that seems only food-related. His skin reacts strongly to basil, oregano, thyme, and cilantro. Coffee and cocoa cause inflammation on his skin too. Even with traveling through the US and being in Germany for the last weeks, by avoiding these foods, his rash is gone. These little pieces of detective work that dramatically improve our health are amazingly helpful not only to my clients but also to us.
Since years I have had a high to severe reaction to coffee. As I generally feel super energized, I have tried to drink organic decaffeinated coffee for a few months. The reaction in the FIT Test is still there, so it is not just the caffeine that disagrees with me, but simply the coffee bean. So, no more!!!
For me, the FIT Test, especially now the FIT 176 Test with so many cool foods has become very rewarding. I work on my health and food intake all the time and seeing improvement in the severity of the reactions, having healed from Candida many years ago, and simply taking note of the foods that I need to avoid makes me feel my best.
Please reach out if you are ready to get tested or re-tested, let me know what worked for you in the past, and let us talk about your goals for the future. I am available all summer either in my office in Norwell or on Zoom. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Enjoy this peak month of the summer!!
Wishing you lots of Health and Happiness,
Silke Heine, PhD 
Silke Heine, Ph.D.
Certified Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Gluten-Free Diet Practitioner
Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
Certified International Sports Nutritionist
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Call (781) 883-5951 to book your appointment.
 In partnership with:
Norwell Athletic Club
KBMO Diagnostics
Simplify  Holistic Nutrition Consulting
Washington Street,
Norwell, MA 02061
(781) 883-5951
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