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The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
#28 July 2020 Simplify Health News
The Immune System is the First Body System that Reacts to Dietary Changes!
Simplify Holistic Nutrition Consulting & Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coaching
July 2020 Newsletter
How are you doing? I hope that my newsletter finds you in good health!
Did you know that the Immune System
is the first Body-System that reacts to dietary changes?
While we all adjust to our 'new normal', worrying about the threat of the Corona Virus, I have been studying the Immune System. Some people laugh about my never- ending thirst or appetite for more learning. As nutrition is acknowledged as a more vital part of our 'health'- system' now, there is so much more information available, researched and experienced by trusted sources, that I love to absorb.
I will continue to do that, to add more knowledge and find tools to help my clients!
Here are a few thoughts on food choices and immunity that I would like to share:
Eating foods to which you are allergic or sensitive
Let me start with a few immune insults that we can all work on.
1.  Eating foods to which you are allergic or sensitive. This is basically acting as a decoy for the immune system. If our body is inflamed and tied up with inflammation, it has a harder time to protect us from invaders. Foods that you are allergic or sensitive to damage the intestines, which is an important first line of defense in our immune system. This is one big reason why I like to test for those food sensitivities. IGg antibodies and lack of inflammation clear the field for positive immune function.
Please read about the new FIT 176 Test that I am starting
to offer to my clients. This is very exciting!
2.  Excessive sugar consumption affects the immune function by suppressing the production of white blood cells as well as their responsiveness. White blood cells shrink in response to the exposure to sugar. Three ounces of sugar in any form results in about a 50% reduction in white blood cell activity for anywhere from one to five hours.
3.  Alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol can damage the immune system because the alcohol will prevent nutrients from feeding your immune health. The alcohol is absorbed into your blood stream through both the stomach and the intestines. Once in the blood stream, alcohol will reduce the white blood cell count in the body much like sugar. The lower the number of white blood cells, the more difficult it is to fight off disease. There are many nutrients needed to metabolize alcohol.
Here is what we can all do to protect our immune system:
  Of course, you have all listened to me preaching about the benefits of healthy eating. Rotate food around, eat different colors, create your foods yourself by preparing simple meals from natural sources. Use many vegetables, herbs and spices.
  Drink enough good quality water every day to flush out toxins.
  Please learn about the importance of probiotics in the digestive system. 70% of the immune system is right there in the gut. This is part of our first protective layer of immunity. So, be sure to include probiotics to support your immune health.
  I love FLORA-BIOTIC Ultra from You will be able to create a patient account with your name and my cell phone number (781 883 5951). The supportive research and labeling will give you all the information you need. This probiotic is free of milk, gluten, egg, wheat, yeast etc.. Please check it out!
Nutrients that support immune function:
Immune vitamins we need to look at are vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
  Vitamin A is found in sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale, Collard Greens, Swiss Chard, Winter Squash, Bok Choy, Cantaloupe, Bell Peppers, Parsley, and many more.
The benefit of vitamin A in immunity is protecting against infection.
  Vitamin D is found in salmon, sardines, tuna, butter, and egg yolks, and Shiitake mushrooms. The benefits of vitamin D in immunity is pretty extensive and there's a lot of research on vitamin D and immunity. Researchers have uncovered a relatively consistent link between low Vitamin D levels and increased risk of respiratory infection.
  Vitamin C is amazing to boost immunity! It is found in papaya, bell peppers, strawberries, broccoli, pineapple, Brussels sprouts, kiwi fruit, oranges, grapefruit, cantaloupe, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, Bok Choy, Parsley, Collard Greens, Raspberries, Lemons and limes, spinach, asparagus, tomatoes, and many more!
Benefits of vitamin C in immunity: there is an extensive amount of research by the Linus Pauling Institute about the role of vitamin C in supporting and enhancing the immune system. Vitamin C has antiviral and antibacterial properties. It also is an antihistamine.
  The final vitamin I want to highlight, is Vitamin E. Vitamin E is found in sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, Swiss chard, collard greens, asparagus, broccoli, kale, tomatoes, bell peppers, and avocados.
Please add as many immune boosting foods to your food intake as possible, while avoiding immune system insulting foods to protect yourself from possible infections!
KBMO Diagnostics is launching a new FIT Test, the FIT 176!! There will be 44 more foods tested and the test is available in my office and on my website.
Please call me for additional information.
So from now on I will be offering the FIT 22, the original FIT Test (testing for 132 foods, additives and extracts), and the FIT 176.
Foods We Test 
Please see the complete chart to check for the foods you are interested in and pick the FIT Test that suits you best.
Please call me for more information or check my website:
Foods We Test
I am very excited about these added choices!!
From now on I am not offering a nurse for these tests anymore, because many of you like to prick your finger at home during COVID 19. If you decide that a finger prick is impossible for you, I am able to connect you with a nurse who can meet you in my office. She needs to get paid by you personally, as it will not be included in the price for the tests (in the past only offered for the FIT Test/132 foods).
Please reach out if you have any questions, if you need support changing the way you eat, want to improve your immunity and overall health, want to work on weight loss goals, or if you are dealing with a health condition that will benefit from dietary changes.
I am here for you!
Wishing you Health and Peace,
Silke Heine, PhD 
Silke Heine, Ph.D.
Certified Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Gluten-Free Diet Practitioner
Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
Certified International Sports Nutritionist
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Call (781) 883-5951 to book your appointment.
 In partnership with:
Norwell Athletic Club
KBMO Diagnostics
Simplify  Holistic Nutrition Consulting
Washington Street,
Norwell, MA 02061
(781) 883-5951
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