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The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
#33 January 2021 Simplify Health News
Wishing You and Your Families the BEST HEALTH in 2021!
Simplify Holistic Nutrition Consulting & Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coaching
January 2021 Newsletter
From my heart I wish you and your families the BEST 2021! May the WHOLE WORLD be blessed with Health, Happiness, Recovery, and the return of something that feels familiar to the "Old Normal."
Some of you have asked me if I will get vaccinated. Honestly, I cannot wait to roll up my sleeve. My mom (93, healthy) was vaccinated in Germany yesterday. She feels great, and I am so grateful that the worry about her getting the virus will be over in a few weeks!
My plan is (and of course, this is a personal decision), to be as healthy as possible to handle the vaccine and as we see now in the news, to handle possible different viruses that may follow. 
Happy New Year from Simplify family
"Eating the foods that are right for us is a wonderful defense against viral infections."
I participated in an 8-hour workshop hosted by the Institute for Brain Potential about “Advances in Understanding, Preventing, and Treating COVID-19”, held by Sally Fisher, MD.
The positive effects that an Anti-Inflammatory Diet has on, immunity and recovery from the virus are proven even in the short time that we have been dealing with COVID-19.
Please set up a time to talk to me about the way you eat and let us make plans for improvements together!!
There is always room for improvements in Healthy Eating and living a healthy lifestyle.
Take time to reflect to create a healthier version of you...
  • Are you drinking enough (good quality) water? 
  • Are you working out regularly? Mild exercise has an anti-inflammatory effect on our body.
  • Are you sleeping enough? How is the quality of your sleep? Sleep is anti-inflammatory.
  • Are you surrounded (or in contact with) by the people who make you feel good?
  • How do you relax? Do you know what works for you?
  • Are you regularly going outside and breathing fresh air during walks?
  • Are you eating healthy foods in a relaxed atmosphere?
  • Are you eating in a mindful way?
  • Do you chew your food properly and realize that you ate enough?
These topics remind us to try doing our best, feeling the healthiest we can.
If you lost track of your goals, please reach out.
We can come up with an action plan together!
Please know that I care about you and please let me know how you are. 
Some of you regularly make an appointment because I will cheer you on!
Zoom meetng with Silke Heine
I will continue to talk to you in a way that makes you feel safe, on the phone, via Zoom, or for a meeting in my office (if you feel healthy and comfortable with it).
Please go to my website! There is so much information to read through that is free for you to explore. I am currently adding a newsletter library so that you all can go back to articles I have published, even if we just met and you have missed them in the past. 
This is my gift to you
This is my gift to you!!!
Please read about the 3 FIT Tests that I am offering on my website, and learn on the homepage what each test tests for.
FIT Tests: FIT 22, FIT 132, FIT 176
Many of you have taken advantage of ordering the tests online, pricking your finger at home and sending it back to the lab, without any human interaction necessary! I am working with clients globally and they all value my many years of expertise helping to review their test results and giving my recommendations.
Do you have plans that get you excited for 2021?
I have many plans for 2021 that I am really excited about:
  • I will graduate from another year of studying Functional Nutrition in January (where Food meets Physiology). My new additional title will be "Functional Nutrition Counselor."
  • My family and I booked a trip to the Dominican Republic in May. Oh what a gift. I hope to be vaccinated by then!!
  • The minute we are vaccinated, my husband and I want to spend time with my 93-year-old mom ‘fearless’! We have a flight booked and can move it around.
  • 2021 I finally need to be in Washington, DC for the cherry blossoms!
Fun plans that you are dreaming about
Hopefully you all have many fun plans that you are dreaming about during these times, and get you committed to reach your goals.
Happy NEW YEAR, happy NEW YOU!!!!
Wishing you Health and Peace,
Silke Heine, PhD 
Silke Heine, Ph.D.
Certified Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Gluten-Free Diet Practitioner
Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
Certified International Sports Nutritionist
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Call (781) 883-5951 to book your appointment.
 In partnership with:
Norwell Athletic Club
KBMO Diagnostics
Simplify  Holistic Nutrition Consulting
Washington Street,
Norwell, MA 02061
(781) 883-5951
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