The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
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#5 August 2015 Simplify Health News
My Book Is Available: Simplify Your Diet
Simplify Holistic Nutrition Consulting & Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coaching
August 2015 Newsletter
I am proud to announce that my book, Simplify Your Diet, Health Benefits of Achieving an Acid-Alkaline Balance Naturally, is now available on my website, get your copy today. Maintaining an acid-alkaline balance is key to health and well-being and my book is loaded with explanations and practical advice to help you obtain and maintain this balance. My clients are experiencing amazing results by following these simple and totally natural principles. This represents one of the pillars of my nutritional consulting philosophy.
Recently, I had the pleasure to listen to a lecture from Dr. Leo Galland about his understanding of food in relationship to Inflammation. Inflammation is another pillar of my nutritional consulting philosophy.
Read on below to know more about the connection of our food choices to inflammatory conditions. Learn more...
Take control of your health and well-being with these 2 books today.
SIMPLIFY Your Diet eBook is Now Available!
Simplify Your Diet eBook
SIMPLIFY Your Diet is a piece of the puzzle, that helps my clients get convinced and reminded, that we need huge amounts of nutrient dense vegetables, plus some fruits daily in order to keep our bodies in a more balanced, healthy state.
My clients are having wonderful results, from weight loss, to clearer minds, a strengthened immunity to an overall healthier feeling of well-being. Food cravings will fall away, because our bodies will be satisfied with nutrients!
Get your copy from our website today...
Hard copies are soon to be available.
The Fat Resistance Diet - The Key to Staying Slim Forever!
The Fat Resistance Diet
Unlock the secret of staying slim forever with this revolutionary diet that has been proven effective scientifically...
As a Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, with my interest in food and its relationship to inflammatory conditions, the book "The Fat Resistance Diet" of Dr. Leo Galland explains the connection beautifully! The understanding of a hormone called Leptin, and how it functions in our body is fascinating, and I think it is a great read for everyone who wants to learn about the importance of the connection of food choices, inflammation, and weight loss.
Leptin is the body's natural weight-loss mechanism: it curbs appetite, jumpstarts metabolism, and when working properly makes us "fat-resistant."
The Anti-Inflammatory Diet is a huge part of my practice and the more research that I find, the better the results that I see with my clients. I do believe, EVERYBODY should eat like this!
Dr. Galland believes that a chemical imbalance is at the root of the nation's struggle to lose weight. The name of this syndrome is Leptin resistance - a hormone dysfunction that disrupts the body's natural ability to regulate appetite and metabolism. Dr. Galland's decades of clinical practice experience as M.D. and his success treating patients with nutritional medicine, coupled with his in-depth exploration of the latest science, has convinced him that people who are unable to lose excess weight, are probably suffering from Leptin resistance.
Our bodies are designed to maintain a healthy weight, a mechanism that naturally enables our bodies to regulate themselves. We should be eating a healthy diet and, if we gain a few pounds, the Leptin in our system works to suppress our appetite, increase our metabolism, and reestablish our original weight.
The problem comes when this natural ability is disrupted, most often by a condition known as Inflammation. Inflammation contributes to conditions like arthritis, asthma, allergies, colitis, heart disease, atherosclerosis, and cancer. However, there is another condition that some scientists now realize is caused by inflammation- obesity.
Dr. Galland explains in his book, that the reason for this is because inflammation triggers Leptin resistance, which in turn contributes to a sluggish metabolism, unchecked cravings, and eventually, unwanted pounds.
Inflammation is part of our body's response to many different types of stress, including infection and injury. Sometimes inflammation causes visible signs and symptoms: redness, swelling, heat, and pain. Sometimes it is visible only on a cellular level, so that you and your doctor may not even be aware that you have it. Nevertheless, it is present more often than you might suspect; in fact, recent research shows that there are two newly discovered causes of inflammation: the type of food we eat and the excess weight itself!
If weight gain is not a matter of free will or discipline, but a chemical imbalance that, once corrected, holds the key to weight loss, then we should all eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet and see where this gets us, right?
For more questions on an Anti-Inflammatory-Diet, please come by my office and make an appointment to learn more!
What you eat can turn inflammation on, and what you eat can turn inflammation off.
Now, after several of my clients have done the FIT test, I hear many great results:
 improvement in all inflammatory conditions,
 feeling more energized,
 better digestive health,
 feeling healthier in general and more balanced,
 and losing weight!
If you would like to know about food choices, that affect you differently than others, and might cause a low grade inflammatory response, please come to my office and learn more about the Food Inflammation Test. For example white sugar and white starches I believe, do not have a positive effect on anybody, but how do we know if the organic chicken or the raw unsalted organic almonds, have an inflammatory response in us?
I am so happy to be able to offer the FIT test to my clients to help my clients to find their bio individual inflammatory response to 132 foods, extracts, and additives.
The FIT Test is a delayed food sensitivity test by KBMO Diagnostics, which provides exactly the missing information that we are simply not aware off.
In order to do the test, please see me in my office for any questions!
I am very proud of the transitions my clients are going through! Let me share this inspiring testimonial...
"Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."
-John F. Kennedy-
Change is not easy! It is such an honor to help my clients, implementing change in their everyday lives, adjusting to new eating habits, different kinds of food, changing the amounts they are eating, and help them moving closer to their goals and better health.
I am very proud of the transitions my clients are going through!
Please let me share a testimonial I have received from a client I have been seeing since the middle of March:
I just wanted to send you a quick thank you and let you know of some fantastic recent results. While it has only been a couple of months since we met, I have seen some significant improvement. I hopped on the scale this morning for the first time in a couple of weeks and found I was down another 4lbs for a total of 9lbs lost since we started working together.
Also, and maybe the biggest news is I had my annual physical last week and for the last decade my fasting cholesterol has hovered between 204 and 217 on every physical. While slightly on the high side, it was never an issue and wasn't something I was worried about lowering. But last week's results were astonishing. My cholesterol results this year were 164, a drop of 46 (last year I was 210) or 21% improvement. What a great ancillary benefit! I spoke with my brother from NC about the changes we had implemented in my eating habits and he copied some of the same nutritional ideas and I heard last week he has lost 8 pounds.
It really has been an eye opening experience to see how dramatic the change can be when the focus shifts from "what NOT to eat" to finding great healthy food that is enjoyable. I rarely have cravings or desires for any unhealthy food. Searching out and trying some of your food suggestions has been so exciting. We have found so much healthy & fresh food options that we truly enjoy. Most foods were just overlooked options in our previous eating habits or just items I wasn't eating enough. Our meals are now so interesting and just better balanced and this proper balance I believe has led to all the successes.
Thanks again for everything and I look forward to catching up soon in person.
--Wayne Martin--
Yours in Health,
Silke Heine, PhD 
Silke Heine, Ph.D.
Certified Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Gluten-Free Diet Practitioner
Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
Certified International Sports Nutritionist
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Call (781) 883-5951 to book your appointment.
 In partnership with:
Norwell Athletic Club
KBMO Diagnostics
Simplify  Holistic Nutrition Consulting
Washington Street,
Norwell, MA 02061
(781) 883-5951
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