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The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
#26 April 2020 Simplify Holistic News
Time to Get FIT and Support Your Liver Health
Simplify Holistic Nutrition Consulting & Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coaching
April 2020 Newsletter
From my home to yours I am sending lots of positive thoughts, strength, and resilience at a time that even my 93-year-old mom has never experienced. I hope you and your loved ones are healthy!
My mom sounds helpless on our daily phone conversation, and she always tells me that there is nothing we can do....
I disagree!
I think we all have to do our best to be our healthiest, get as fit as possible, and try really hard to eat the most nutrient-rich diet we can possibly provide for us and our family. As we do not know right now what the future holds, we need to try to create a terrain in us where we can handle a virus that might come our way. That needs to be our mission! There are many ways we can help ourselves and our loved ones to become healthier and stronger to better be able to withstand the stress of uncertainty and change that we are all facing.
While working out daily at home, taking supplements as never before..., eating fruits and vegetables in all different colors, I am studying Functional Nutrition at a very deep physiological level. At the end of last week I graduated from the Digestive Intensive section, which I am very grateful for. This fills my day, lets me focus how I can be of better help, because obviously the world needs to be healthier!!!
To do so is by making better lifestyle choices.
And by the way, my mom started working out daily in addition to always eating a healthy diet, going for long walks and trying to stay positive. I am so proud of her!
Functional Nutrition Lab Graduate
Inflammation and immune function are at the heart of resilience. Clearing and improving those is a great way to support overall health.
As many of us are uncertain about the continuous financial insecurity in this crisis I wanted to bring your attention to the FIT 22 test, the Food Inflammation Test that tests for 22 foods. Being home for such a long time, dealing with anxiety, worry, many describe their diet as comforting..... The FIT 22 is a wonderful way to get back on track. Find out what foods cause inflammation in you and try to implement those changes while moving forward in a healthier way.
KBMO Diagnostics
The FIT 22 has been updated to accommodate Soy by replacing Broccoli.
FIT 22 Add Soy Remove Broccoli
Here are the changes KBMO Diagnostics has made for the FIT 132.
FIT 132 Additions
My husband and I took the FIT 132 at the beginning of the year and we are both very grateful how the knowledge of our inflammatory foods guides us with our food choices, but also supplement choices.
My offer to all who decide to take/retake either of the 2 Food Inflammation Tests
Instead of a 30-minute test review, I am upgrading our meeting to a 1-hour consultation with me to help you get back on track!
Both FIT Tests can be ordered on my website, you use the test kit at home, and once I receive your results, I will reach out to discuss.
This additional 1-hour offer instead of a 30-minute test review is good until the end of May (paid by 5/31/2020).
Liver: A Very Busy, Amazing Organ!!!
Spring is the time to cleanse the Liver.
I started to work on a Liver Intensive class with Andrea Nakayama, with the Functional Nutrition Lab, which keeps me pretty busy. Please learn about the liver and read my recommendations that you can implement at home.
Our livers have become overwhelmed in our today's world!
It has 3 key functions:
  • To filter blood.
  • It disassembles all chemical compounds in two phases of elimination- which is the seed of detoxification.
  • It synthesizes and secrets bile.
If we want the liver to work optimally, we need to support it as good as we can.
The liver has many functions, but I only want to share the main responsibilities to not overwhelm you.
  • It regulates fat storage.
  • It cleanses the blood.
  • It neutralizes and destroys poisons.
  • It manufactures new body proteins.
  • It metabolizes alcohol.
  • It manages the chemicals in the blood.
  • It aids in digestion through the production of bile.
  • It produces immune factors.
  • It helps to remove bacteria from the blood.
  • It stores vitamins, minerals, and sugars.
  • It maintains a hormone balance.
  • It controls the production and secretion of cholesterol.
  • It is responsible for regenerating its own damaged tissue.
Here are a few things to consider how we can harm our liver:
  • With too much protein (we are all different...).
  • Too much sugar and simple carbs can stress the liver.
  • Overeating can stress the liver.
  • Lack of enzyme rich foods can stress the liver.
  • Drug residue.
  • Alcohol causes inflammation of the liver.
  • Too many toxins, heavy metals, or pesticides can damage the liver.
  • Lack of exercise forces the liver to do the elimination that should be regulated to the lungs and skin.
  • Chronic diseases of the liver can thwart its function.
Here is what you can do to support your liver function right now, while focusing on being healthy:
  • Eat more beets. They help the liver cells to clear toxins and protect the liver and bile ducts from damage.
  • Eat more greens. Bitter herbs like Arugula, Dandelion, Endives help in the production of bile and keep the liver supported. The liver also loves parsley and cilantro.
  • Avoid late night snacks.
  • Avoid over-consuming alcohol.
  • Turmeric protects the liver and produces bile flow and is an ant-inflammatory. Use it for your cooking.
  • Sweat regularly, either in a sauna, take an Epsom salt bath, or during work- outs at home or outside.
  • Limonene from lemon zest supports liver detoxifying enzymes.
  • Skip unhealthy fats, like fried food or oxidized oils (for example over-heated olive oil). Stick to good fats from avocado, wild salmon, nuts and seeds, and olive oil for cold use.
  • Eat cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and bok choy to support sulfation- pathways.
  • B Vitamins are critical for proper liver detoxification. Look at the B-Complex.
  • Milkthiste, as an active compound Silymarine has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on the liver. Please check out LiverCare from
Recommended Supplements
If you have an interest in these two described supplements, please go to, create your own account with my cell phone number (the site is only available for providers)
781 883 5951, and check out:
I currently take both and love them. Please always research any supplement, check for cross reactions with medication and side effects for current health issues. Not every supplement is right for all, so please make sure it is safe for you.
In a perfect world I would hope to see you in my office in Norwell soon, but who knows when that might be. I am talking to clients via phone and Zoom. Please do not hesitate to make and appointment! Don't wait too long to make healthy changes. As always, I am here to support!!!
I am looking forward to hearing from you.!
With all my heart and support,
Stay healthy,
Silke Heine, PhD 
Silke Heine, Ph.D.
Certified Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coach
Certified Gluten-Free Diet Practitioner
Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
Certified International Sports Nutritionist
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Call (781) 883-5951 to book your appointment.
 In partnership with:
Norwell Athletic Club
KBMO Diagnostics
Simplify  Holistic Nutrition Consulting
Washington Street,
Norwell, MA 02061
(781) 883-5951
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