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The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
#57 - 2022 Year-End Newsletter — Simplify Health News
Start the Year Right: Take Care of Your Liver!
Before celebrating New Year's Eve in Germany, I wanted to refer to a topic that is very important for January, because many of you are looking to recover from the holidays, from overindulgence and maybe lose a few pounds. Some of you want to use the beginning of the year for a fresh start, and I am here to support all of your health and weight loss goals.

#56 - December 2022 — Simplify Health News
"Health Starts in the GUT!"...or...As Hippocrates Said: "All Disease Begins in the GUT!"
My biggest goal and gift to myself this year is self-care. This was a busy and intense year, with overwhelming news, lots of studying, traveling, caring for others, and healing. It was also a year with gorgeous weather, time spent outdoors, fun time with family and friends, and finally, a feeling of "back to normal."
While we can get overwhelmed with the demands of our daily lives, it is so important to think about personal improvements and our own health.

#55 - November 2022 — Simplify Health News
Let's Start Living A Gluten-Free Life
Since I became a Certified Gluten Free-Diet Practitioner in January with Dr. Tom O’Bryan, I have gained so much more understanding about gluten. Please read the handout from the Mayo Clinic on a Gluten-free diet.
Years ago, I was unsure if it is really necessary to live a gluten-free life if a person does not have celiac. I personally choose a gluten-free lifestyle and avoid it as much as possible. I see many reactions in my client's FIT Test results reacting to Wheat, Gluten, Gliadin (the peptides of Gluten), Rye and Barley, and Spelt (a wheat derivative). There are so many grains that are naturally gluten-free, that I prefer.

#54 - October 2022 — Simplify Health News
Fall Back to Healthy Habits
It is easy to put our own needs last and support the younger and older loved ones who need us, before thinking of our own needs and health.
It is time to move on and take the best care of ourselves as possible, because we have learned from the last years that the healthier we are, the stronger our immunity is, the less inflamed we are, and the better we deal with illnesses coming our way. Personally, I am 57 years old, and my goal is to be as fit, and through and through as healthy as I can be. I am working on it. I believe there are 7 pillars of health, and it is important to keep an eye on all 7 (that is what I recommend, and work on them all the time for myself too!).

#53 - September 2022 — Simplify Health News
Why the FIT Test is Different?
Hopefully, this newsletter finds you well, and you are enjoying all that summer has to offer to the fullest, plenty of sunshine and time spent outdoors, time for family and friends, time to relax, shopping at Farmer's Markets, and eating fresh vegetables, herbs, and locally grown fruit.
Many of my clients complain about feeling bloated. They start Elimination Diets, journal their food intake, and try their own detective work on the search for the foods that can possibly cause them to feel bloated. When they take the FIT Test, they often find the foods that are the cause and move on with their lives, avoiding these foods and start healing their gut.

#52 - August 2022 — Simplify Health News
Experience the Taste of Healing At Home
Unfortunately, my children (NC and D.C.) and I (MA) just went through Covid, were vaccinated and boosted, and had a pretty rough time with the virus. We assume that we caught one of the new strains BA 4 or BA 5, which do not offer much protection from vaccinations (vaccinations do avoid severe disease according to Dr. Fauci for these new strains). Being out and about again, family, friends, and clients ask me what I did, so I decided to write about it, hoping that none of you get sick, but you could share this information.

#51 - July 2022 — Simplify Health News
Enjoy the Summer with Healthy Delicious Produce
Summer is here, and I wish you all lots of summer fun, great weather with plenty of Vitamin D boosting sunshine, outdoor activities with picnics, bar-b-ques, time with your family and friends, and time to relax.
After those last years of worry, we all deserve a wonderful summer with the best this beautiful time of the year has to offer, including time for fun healthy meals.

#50 - June 2022 — Simplify Health News
Stay Healthy & Strengthen Immunity with Nutrition!
Now that many places in the world have removed masks, and people can choose to travel mask free in the U.S., the most crucial topic in nutrition remains immunity. Immunity to support us during the allergy season, and stay healthy and protected from colds viruses, and other illnesses. A healthy diet is key to a strong immune system!

#49 - May 2022 — Simplify Health News
Spring Time - Time to Detox with Healthier Food Choices!
My husband and I just returned from a month of travel, where we did not eat our usual healthy, clean and lean food choices. Eating out is a nice treat once in a while. The downside is that we can not influence the quality of foods served. Especially the fats used in restaurants can have such an impact on our health, so we have decided to detox for at least a month.

#48 - April 2022 — Simplify Health News
How to Feed Your Gut the Healthy Way
Hopefully my newsletter finds you well. As some of you ask me about gut health, the microbiome, and how to feed it, I would love to share a great article by Dr. Mark Hyman I recently received.

#47 - March 2022 — Simplify Health News
How Your Food Choices Affect Mental Health
Spring is almost here, and I hope it brings us all some relief from the COVID worries of the last two years. Anxiety seems to belong to the ‘new normal.’ I see many young adults suffering from anxiety and depression. The last two years have left many of us emotionally drained, many are lonely, sad, and lost touch with their friends.
Hopefully Spring brings all of us new energy, more time to be outside, time to be together, and time to travel. During the last weeks I finished two large exams. Unfortunately, I broke my elbow on Christmas Day, but I used the time to study. I have graduated to a Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor, plus a Certified Gluten Free-Diet Practitioner. Now I just want to read all the books that have accumulated over the years in my library, I want to help all of you with new knowledge and have fun with my family and friends.

#46 - February 2022 — Simplify Health News
The Immune System Is the First Body System That Reacts to Dietary Changes!
Did you know that the Immune System is the first Body System that reacts to dietary changes?
While the Corona Virus dominates lots of our behavior and thoughts, I have been studying Functional Nutrition for the last two years. My Final Exam and certification are around the corner. Some people are surprised about my never-ending thirst or appetite for more learning. As nutrition is acknowledged as a more vital part of our 'health system' now, there is so much information available, researched, experienced, and published by trusted sources, that I love to absorb. I will become a Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor with this new degree, possibly in a few days.

#45 - January 2022 — Simplify Health News
Happy New Year, Healthy and Happy New You!
From my heart, I wish you a happy and healthy 2022! The beginning of a new year gives many of us the opportunity to press some reset buttons for our health. Good intentions to work on healthier behavior, a better workout routine, more sleep, and a more nutritious diet are excellent New Year's resolutions. To be successful with weight loss goals, I often talk about Liver health to my clients.
The holidays are the time where we all indulge a little more. Heavier meals, a glass of wine, a cocktail, chocolate…..

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