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The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
#32 - December 2020 — Simplify Health News
Health, Peace, and Happy Holidays
With all my heart I wish you all happy and healthy holidays with much hope for the year 2021! This year went by fast despite all uncertainties.
My husband and I returned safe and healthy back from Germany, and we had a good time seeing my mom, our son and very close friends. Now we are looking forward to spending the holidays with our children.
I hope you took advantage of the many hours at home this year to reflect on health, becoming more whole, improved daily habits, and maybe added more water intake, work- out routines, and more meals cooked from scratch. If you think that there is further room for improvement, please reach out to me. I am always here for you with coaching and consultation sessions to cheer you on, and support you on your health journey!

#31 - November 2020 — Simplify Health News
Giving a 'Gift of Health' Takes on a New Meaning
It is hard to grasp that it is almost November. Thanksgiving is around the corner, and my husband and I decided to travel to Germany to check on my 93-year-old mom. Of course, it is not stress-free, but in this pandemic spending a little time with our loved ones is so precious. Our son is interning in Germany, so one more reason to get on an airplane.
At the end of January, I will finish the 15th year of studying Nutrition/Health & Wellness. Filling the last year with new research and the anatomy of where 'Food meets Physiology,' was a blessing!!!
While we are all home a lot, worrying is inevitable. The daily news causes all of us to feel anxious. A number of clients have made incredible changes in their health by changing the way they eat during this pandemic, and I could not be prouder of them. What a great time to undo old habits and learn and create new healthier ones. I also have lost 9 lbs by trying different ratios of macro-nutrients, working out with heavy weights daily at home or at NAC, and using the time to concentrate even more on my health.

#30 - October 2020 — Simplify Health News
Break Bad Eating Habits! We are Offering Handcrafted, Creative Meal Plans Just For You...
First the term of a "New Normal" felt unreal, but I clearly find myself in a "New Normal" in my ever day life. Most of my day happens at home, some of you like to meet me in person, others like to Zoom. For all 3 FIT Tests, some of you stay at home and order test kits on my website, others visit me in my office to purchase a test kit.
Some of you have taken the FIT 132 Test or the new FIT 176 Test, receive a 7-Day Meal Plan and ask me:
"What do I do after those 7 days?"

#29 - September 2020 — Simplify Health News
FIT Tests in the NEW NORMAL
How are you? I hope all is well, and you have settled into a "New Normal," that agrees with your comfort zone of feeling safe. For me this is the perfect time to reflect on my priorities, try different ways of eating, try different workouts, and to experience how my body reacts to each.
My summer has been beautiful so far. We have spent so much family time, long conversations, exchanging new ideas, enjoying being home, spending time in nature, and never feeling rushed. I assume some of us will change our routines for good, because many pieces of this new life feel good.

#28 - July 2020 — Simplify Health News
The Immune System Is the First Body System
That Reacts to Dietary Changes!
How are you doing? I hope that my newsletter finds you in good health!
Did you know that the Immune System
is the first Body-System that reacts to dietary changes?
While we all adjust to our 'new normal', worrying about the threat of the Corona Virus, I have been studying the Immune System. Some people laugh about my never- ending thirst or appetite for more learning. As nutrition is acknowledged as a more vital part of our 'health'- system' now, there is so much more information available, researched and experienced by trusted sources, that I love to absorb.

#27 - June 2020 — Simplify Health News
About 70 % of Our Immune System Is Located in the Gut Lining!
Hopefully you and your loved ones are doing well in these "New Normal" times of COVID-19.
The last years in my life have been so busy trying to fit it all in, working, studying, being there for my family and friends in the U.S. and in Germany, that taking care of my own health has sometimes fallen a bit short. I am using this time for the best self-care I can think of. I am studying very intensely Functional Nutrition, spending time with my husband and our adult children living with us right now, and I spend time on the phone with my mom, and my sister and brother-in-law. We prepare and enjoy the most delicious nutritious meals I can think of to boost our immunity, and I am definitively sleeping more.
To be honest, a time to reflect a bit more, and not always be on the move feels good as well as the daily workouts at home.

#26 - April 2020 — Simplify Health News
Time to Get FIT and Support Your Liver Health
From my home to yours I am sending lots of positive thoughts, strength, and resilience at a time that even my 93- year-old mom has never experienced. I hope you and your loved ones are healthy!
My mom sounds helpless on our daily phone conversation, and she always tells me that there is nothing we can do....I disagree!
I think we all have to do our best to be our healthiest, get as fit as possible, and try really hard to eat the most nutrient-rich diet we can possibly provide for us and our family. As we do not know right now what the future holds, we need to try to create a terrain in us where we can handle a virus that might come our way. That needs to be our mission! There are many ways we can help ourselves and our loved ones to become healthier and stronger to better be able to withstand the stress of uncertainty and change that we are all facing.

#25 - March 2020 — Simplify Health News
Self-Care and Immunity - What Can You Do?
Hopefully this newsletter finds you all well! My husband and I returned from Europe a day before the European travel restrictions were in place and we are happy to be home. We use all safety precautions, and have quarantined ourselves for two weeks, receive food deliveries from Whole Foods as Prime Amazon members to our door steps, and will work from home for the time being. Our son returned from studying abroad after a week in Nairobi, just in time before it became too complicated. We are forever grateful to be together and do what we can to stay as healthy as possible.
As I receive many texts, e-mails or other messages from family, friends, and clients right now who ask me what I recommend, I decided to share it with all of you...

#24 - February 2020 — Simplify Health News
'Start Spring Healthy and Strong' - My Best Newsletter Yet! Please read...
Coming back from a week of absorbing the newest research/trends/health outcomes at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium in NY, I can share that Nutrition, specifically an Anti- Inflammatory Diet concept is it!
While I have been trying to figure out the healthiest way of eating since 22 years, working on my own health and the health of my family, it is all confirmed, backed up by science, and continuously researched while I am writing.... I have been preaching these topics to my clients since many years now, with fabulous physical outcomes, the idea of an Anti- inflammatory Diet paired with an acid/alkaline balance through a vegetable dominant diet, and gastro-intestinal health improvements. Now these topics are at the forefront of health recommendations and promoted by the leaders in the Integrative Medical community.

#23 - January 2020 — Simplify Health News
A Healthy, New You This 2020
Happy, Healthy New Year to you!
You are probably like me, busy and so in the swing of this new exciting year, that it is easy to forget, that it just started...
A new decade sounds like a wonderful opportunity to get things right!
My husband and I hosted a New Year's Eve celebration with our closest friends and I handed out affirmations and quotes that could help change our vision on expectations and resolutions. I would love to share a few. Pick one or two to keep in mind for the months to come. Hopefully you find a quote that fits and motivates you to shape your goals and helps to implement the lifestyle changes for a happier, healthier you!

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