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The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
Choline (Water-Soluble)
Choline (Water-Soluble)
Foods: Eggs, Cod, Shrimp, Navy beans, Salmon, Brussels sprouts, Broccoli, Pinto beans
Nutrient inhibiting factors: Alcohol, processing
  • Converts fats into smaller water-soluble substances
  • Choline needs the other B-complex vitamins to be effective, especially folate and vitamin B3
  • Essential for the nervous system; vital for the prevention and treatment of such conditions as Parkinson’s disease, ADD, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, poor memory, hyperactivity, and various other nervous conditions
  • Most processed foods are deficient in choline
  • The substance known as lecithin, made from corn or soybeans and available as a supplement, is vital for the replenishment of choline reserves. The body can only produce lecithin when it has enough choline
  • The brain needs lecithin to function properly; over 28% of brain matter is composed of lecithin
  • Stress and nervousness rapidly use up lecithin reserves
  • Lecithin is a natural tranquilizer; it promotes a good night’s sleep and protects against fatigue and insomnia
  • Deficiency can lead to cardiovascular disease, renal failure, hardened arteries, high blood pressure, weak blood capillaries, high cholesterol, infertility, liver disorders, and obesity
  • Choline can be made with healthy intestinal bacteria
For more information, please see me at Norwell Athletic Club (NAC).
Yours in Health,
Silke Heine,
Owner of Simplify Holistic Nutrition
(781) 883-5951