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The ability to SIMPLIFY means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. --- Hans Hofmann
Category: SUGARS
Dr. Andrew Weil’s Tips: 10 Foods for Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
Dr. Andrew Weil’s Tips: 10 Foods for Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
To keep blood sugar levels stable, regular exercise is helpful - but a healthy diet is a must.
Add these foods to your diet, as they may help lower blood sugar levels.
  1. Green, leafy vegetables. Broccoli, spinach, and kale are good sources of fiber - which helps regulate blood sugar levels - and are high in vitamins A, C, and K as well. Plus, some studies have shown that eating vegetables can help prevent diabetes, so aim for four to five servings per day.
  2. Beans and legumes. Beans of almost any variety as well as lentils are rich in folic acid, magnesium, potassium and soluble fiber - and are low-glycemic-load foods. Make sure you get one to two servings per day.
  3. Cabbage. A very low-glycemic index food (near zero!), cabbage is high in fiber, low in calories, inexpensive and versatile. It's especially useful for stabilizing blood-sugar levels because it converts to sugar very slowly in the body. Try eating more slaw, sauerkraut or kimchi.
  4. Okra. This southern staple is high in soluble fiber - which slows down the digestion of carbohydrates and can help stabilize blood sugar - and is also a low glycemic-index food. Try adding it to your next pot of soup.
  5. Onions. This kitchen staple is more than a tasty addition to many dishes - onions offer blood-sugar lowering effects.
  6. Maitake mushrooms. One of Dr. Weil's favorites, maitake not only contain compounds that enhance immune function, but in one study people with type 2 diabetes were given maitake along with diabetes medication, and the result was lower blood sugar readings. Cook some up and serve them as a side dish!
  7. Underground vegetables. Also known as "tubers," veggies such as leeks, potatoes and yams have been shown in studies to lower or return to normal high blood sugar levels.
  8. Brewer's yeast. Rich in essential amino acids and B vitamins, brewer's yeast may also lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes, and may improve glucose tolerance, increase insulin sensitivity, and lower cholesterol as well. Shake some on your next batch of popped corn!
  9. Prickly pear. The green pads of this plant are called nopal, and is more than a staple in Mexican cuisine - it is very low on the glycemic index and may have blood-sugar-lowering effects. Look for it at specialty or ethnic grocers.
  10. Bitter melon. When cooked and added to other dishes, bitter melon will impart a unique flavor that may help glucose tolerance of people with type 2 diabetes, and help keep blood sugar levels in the normal range.
For more information, please see me at Norwell Athletic Club (NAC).
Yours in Health,
Silke Heine,
Owner of Simplify Holistic Nutrition
(781) 883-5951